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In Attendance: Shawn Albert, Joseph Bock, Danny Kaiser, Don Kaiser, Tom McKeon, Jerry Schopf, Susan Schopf
Absent: Rob M c M i l l a n , Tom L u e h r, J i m Hummer
G u e s t s : N o n e
A.Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
B.Minutes from last meeting: Approved as corrected.
C.Public Comments: None
D.Treasurer Report: Tom McKeon - See attached report. Bank balance $407,255.31. Tom reported 6 residents are more than 90 days delinquent on water bills. Tom will send warning letters.
E.Old Business
a.Board received positive feedback on summer concert. Estimated attendance was 60-80 people. Shawn Albert will present a quote for costs to replace flooring of outdoor platform provided for the band with weatherized surface. The platform was recently used for an outdoor wedding.
b.Danny and Don Kaiser submitted a proposed letter informing the Kellogg Lane property owners of their option to join DCI which was approved by unanimous vote. Jerry Schopf will send the letter. (Letter copy on file).
c.Danny Kaiser submitted a proposed letter to DCI property owners whose recent water meter readings show significantly high water usage. Letters will notify those property owners and suggest possible leaks in water line on their property and warn that failure to resolve issues causing high water usage will result in monetary penalties beginning May 2020. Board voted unanimously to approve annual assessmentrates as stated in the letter as DCI policy: $250/200,000-299,000 gallons; $500/300,000-499,000 gallons; $750/500,000-899,000 gallons; $1,000/900,000 plus gallons. (Letter copy on file).
d.DCI By-Laws proposed changes mailed to DCI members for review before the end of July and included a reminder about the Summer Concert on August 3. The letter, proxy form and agenda for the annual meeting was mailed to DCI members on 8/2019 with regular billing statement.
e.Board members Susan and Jerry Schopf met with homeowners Susan Sebens and Jerry Nichelson on July 25 at 2:30 PM to discuss invasive blackberry removal on WCLT Land at lagoon. WCLT representative Kyle agreed to clear area around fire hydrant at corner of Dugualla and Shorecrest Rd. The Board declined to pay for further blackberry removal at one DCI site due to heavy growth of blackberry bushes in many DCI loca t i o n s.
f.Status of DCI - Research by Curt Myron shows that DCI is most likely a Water Board rather than a Home Owners Association although records are somewhat confusing.
g.Board voted unanimously to approve Shawn Albert to repair, restore and paint the Totem Pole at Dugualla/Taylor intersection at cost not to exceed $2,500.
h.    An email from Mike Henderson (not present at meeting) provided a report in place of Mark Quinn who has sold his DCI home and moved. A copy of letter to Mark regarding the lawsuit against the Navy vs. WA State Attorney General’s office was presented. Mike will continue to follow up.
F.Officer and Committee Reports
a.Architectural Control: No Report
b.Building and Use Restrictions: No Report
c.Communications: Susan Schopf reported new DCI resident Steve Johnson volunteered to help update and redesign DCI website. Steve has past experience designing and managing websites. One goal is to facilitate communications with DCI property owners by email from website.
d.Community Meetings: Annual Meeting September 21, 2019. Don Kaiser contracted with Shonuff Barbecue Foods LLC to cater the dinner. Beverages (soft drinks, beer and wine) will be provided by DCI and procured by Don.
e.Water System: Danny Kaiser will ask Sondra Bodamer at King Water to provide a water system analysis/survey needed to determine long-term viability of the system. A warning letter to DCI from WA State regarding chlorine levels was an error per Sondra. Danny will suggest a representative from King Water attend DCI Board meetings regularly. Danny will schedule generator testing with Washington Generators as soon as possible.
f.Lagoon: No Report
g.Special Initiatives: No Report
h.Facilities: Jerry Schopf reported repair of broken pipe in clubhouse parking lot is the responsibility of Joe Ducken who installed it to provide drainage for his fish pond. Jerry will contact Joe to request repairs be done before the annual meeting.
i.Security: No Report
G.New Business:
a.Susan and Jerry Schopf presented materials/information regarding PFAS contamination in areas surrounding Whidbey NAS. Dugualla Bay Area is possibly affected by PFAS contamination from Clover Valley Creek which runs from the east end of Ault Field runways. Due to close proximity of DCI to known and suspected contaminated areas, the Board approved PFAS contamination testing of DCI well water to be done by King Water at a cost of $300.
b.Mike Henderson requested building a water access site at the community well runoff pool at Dugualla Road in order to provide water to residents in emergency situations. Board voted against due to liability issues regarding safety and water potability issues.
c.Whidbey-Camano Land Trust Stewardship Technician, Taylor Ann Schmuki, requested a meeting with DCI Board members. Don Kaiser will set up a meeting for 9/3/19 at 11:30 am at the lagoon.
H.Adjournment: 8:20 PM
I.Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 6 PM
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