In Attendance: Larry Caton, Clint Christensen, Steve Hucke, Danny Kaiser, Nadia Kent, Myron Parry, Chris Johnson, Shawn Albert, Greig Haberman
Absent: Mike Legere
Guests: Mickie Hucke, Sue Sebens, Doug Stanford, Jerry Nichelson, Tom Johnson
1. The meeting at the clubhouse was called to order at 6 PM by President Steve Hucke.
2. Minutes from 9/15/2021 Board Meeting were amended and approved. Passed unanimously.
3. Minutes from 9/18/21 Members Meeting were amended and approved. Passed unanimously.
4. Treasurer's Report: Clint Christiansen - See attached report.
a.Bank balance as of October 18, 2021 is $453,356.52, savings account, $390,333.05 money market account, $63,023.47 checking account. See attached report.
b.Clint pointed out that DCI recently paid the second installment of the 2021 Island County property taxes and that certain properties are tax-exempt.
c.DCI is due a refund as the band was cancelled for the 9/18/2021 Members Meeting. Steve Hucke will follow up.
d.Clint reported that 16 homeowners are behind on their account. These accounts will be assessed late fees and will receive a letter from Clint asking them to catch up their payments.
e.Clint explained that a homeowner who also owned a lot was late on their $100 lot assessment for each property. A potential purchaser of the lot sent a $100 check to pay the assessment on the lot but did not ultimately complete the purchase. Jones Accounting improperly applied this payment to the home. As the $100 lot assessment was late, the lot owner incurred attorney fees. All of this took place over several months without action by the owner of the home and the lot. The person who owned the lot requested that DCI reimburse them for the fees. Shawn Albert made a motion that the request be denied. Graig Haberman seconded. Passed unanimously.
a.Danny Caton introduced and the Board reviewed a proposal from Coffman Engineering for consulting work for designing pipeline replacement the lowest gravity zone #3 to be reviewed and approved by the Washington State Health Department (WSDOH), review your existing water system and provide a letter of recommendation regarding suggested improvements to the existing water system. Larry recommended that we table this proposal for three to six months due to availability of materials and other resources. Danny Kaiser moved to table the proposal until the Feb 2022 meeting. Clint Christensen seconded. Passed unanimously.
b.Shawn Albert reported that Apex Roofing submitted a bid for:
i.Repairing the flat part of main clubhouse and storage building as the roof was not installed correctly. Shawn will ask the contractor to revisit the bid.
ii. $750 to repair the well house roof. A motion was made and seconded to complete this work. Passed unanimously.
a.The DCI Board received a letter from a Member expressing concern about foot path access from the east end of Shorecrest Drive to the State Park. Shawn Albert confirmed that there is a recorded easement (see attached). Doug Stanford stated that he is the neighbor to the north and that access is still available. He also stated that the intent of the easement is for beach access. No action necessary.
b.Water rates:
i. The Board approved a motion to adopt tiered rates for water usage at the 8/18/2021 Board Meeting. The rates_recommended by King Water and presented to the members at the 9/18/2021 Members meeting differed slightly from what was approved in the 8/18/2021 motion.
ii. Rates recommended by King Water and presented to the members at the 9/18/2021 Members meeting:
1. Rates:
a.Flat rate of $150 per quarter for up to 15,000 gallons per quarter
b.$0.015 per gallon more than 15,000 gallons and up to 30,000 gallons per quarter
c.$0.030 per gallon for more than 30,000 gallons per quarter
2. Notes:
a.Rates effective 1/1/2022
b.Will be billed quarterly with individual meter usage stated an each bill in gallons
c.The first quarter of 2022 (January to March), everyone will receive their bill with a meter reading and everyone will only pay the Flat Rate of $150.00. This will give owners time to identify their usage and fix leaks, if needed.
d.Property owners are responsible for clear access to meters for the readers. Homeowners will be charged an additional fee if action must be taken to clear access.
iii. Steve Hucke reviewed with the Board the above rates and a discussion followed.
iv. As the rates presented at the Members meeting are not the same rates previously approved by the Board, Myron Parry moved to approve the rates as recommended by King Water and presented at the 9/18/2021 Members Meeting. _Danny Kaiser seconded. Passed unanimously.
c.Architectural Control: Shawn Albert reported that Huseby Homes submitted plans for Div 1, Lot 5 and that the plans were approved.
d.Water System: Danny Kaiser reported that there was a re-application for water availability at 590 Dugualla.
7. Public Comments: Sue Sebens, Doug Stanford, Jerry Nichelson and Tom Johnson expressed their concerns and asked questions regarding the tiered rate system for water usage adopted by the Board. The Board responded as follows:
a.In general, tiered rate systems are adopted to encourage users to reduce their usage and to encourage users to make leak repairs. DCI's water source is not without limits and the Community is incurring additional costs (electricity to pump the water, chlorine price and availability as well as wear an the system).
b.The rates adopted were recommended by King Water and are consistent with rates levied by many of the other systems that they manage.
c.The tiered rate structure was adopted in an effort to get DCI's financial house in order to facilitate our applications for Ioans and/or grants to replace the brittle concrete/asbestos water lines as well as provide consistent water pressure throughout the system.
d.Finally, the Board is made up of volunteers who consider it important to serve our community, assure that each lot has a sustainable and consistent water source and to be good stewards of the resource.
8. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6 PM.
9. Adjournment: 7:53 PM
Respectfuily submitted, Myron Parry, Board Secretary
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