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In Attendance: Joseph Bock, Clint Christiansen, Jim Hummer, Danny Kaiser, Curt Myron, Susan Schopf
Absent: Shawn Albert, Larry Caton, Tom McKeon
Guests: Jerry Schopf
A.Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm by President Danny Kaiser.
B.Minutes from 10/30/19 board meeting approved.
C.Public Comments: None
D.Treasurer Report: Tom McKeon emailed his report (see attached). Bank balance $413,373.40. Tom reported 9 residents are more than 90 days delinquent on water bills. Clint Christiansen requested that monthly reports show frequency of charges listed (monthly, semi-annual or annual). Discussion followed regarding community by-laws allowing for suspension of water service to customer accounts more than 90 days past due.
E.Old Business
a.As required annually, all board members present signed the Conflict of Interest Agreement.
b.Facilities: Danny Kaiser presented a quote from King Water for $2,080 to repair the broken water drain that comes from the property of Joe Ducken onto the clubhouse parking lot. The board agreed the bill should be sent to Mr. Ducken for payment.
Restoration and repainting of the DCI totem pole - no update.
c.Water System: Danny Kaiser reported a professional assessment of the entire Dugualla water system is still needed to determine possible future financial obligations for the community. King Water has been contacted regarding this issue.
Kellogg Lane property owners will receive letters rescinding the previous offer to join DCI because they are grandfathered into the community’s water system. Discussion followed regarding revising the bylaws to clarify which properties outside of DCI boundaries are considered community members. No action taken.
d.Jim Hummer detailed his continuing work on cleaning out and organizing DCI files found in the storage building next to the clubhouse. Curt Myron presented a proposed policy for DCI records retention and asked for input. Adoption will be voted on at December meeting.
f.Architectural Control: No report.
g.Building and Use Restrictions: No report.
h.Security: No Report.
I. Lagoon: Joseph Bock will conduct monthly visual inspection.
F.New Business: Danny Kaiser reported a new landscaper is needed due to Brian Beecher quitting to take other employment. Jerry Schopf submitted a Statement of Work document used previously by the board. Danny will post a job notice at Maillard’s Nursery.
Discussion regarding the Navy and PFAS contamination of Clover Valley Creek and Dugualla Bay. The DCI Board will not take a stance but encourages individual property owners to do so.
G.Adjournment: 8:00 PM
H.Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 6 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Schopf, Board Secretary
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