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In Attendance: Joseph Bock, Clint Christiansen, Danny Kaiser, Tom McKeon, Curt Myron, Susan Schopf
Absent: Shawn Albert, Larry Caton
Guest: Jerry Schopf
A. Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm by President Danny Kaiser.
B. Minutes from 11/20/19 board meeting approved.
C. Public Comments: None
D. Treasurer Report: Tom McKeon report (see attached). Bank balance
$414,761.25. Tomreported8residentsaremorethan90daysdelinquentonwater bills. Discussion followed regarding community by- laws allowing for suspension of water service to customer accounts more than 90 days past due. One idea is to issue a warning letter and place a bright colored hang tag on door of residence telling occupant water will be shut off if immediate action is not taken to bring account into compliance.
Also discussed was fee increase announced by Jones Accounting. Tom will ask for clarification of some details.
E. Old Business
a. Facilities: Danny Kaiser reported repair of the broken water drain that comes from the property of Joe Ducken onto the clubhouse parking lot not completed. The board agreed the bill should be sent to Mr. Ducken for payment. No new grounds maintenance/landscaper has been identified.
b. Restoration and repainting of the DCI totem pole - no update.
c. Water System: Professional assessment of the Dugualla water system - no update.
d. Letters to Kellogg Lane property owners - Danny Kaiser will compose letters.
e. Curt Myron presented a proposed policy for DCI records retention and asked for input. Adoption will be voted on at January meeting.
f. Architectural Control: No report.
g. Building and Use Restrictions: No report.
h. Communications: A gift basket was sent to Patsy Del Sonno and Milton Mumford to thank them for their work as clubhouse managers.
i. Security: No report.
I. Lagoon: No report.
F. New Business
a. The board accepted the resignation of Jim Hummer and will work to find a replacement for Board Position 3.
b. Curt Myron will replace Jim Hummer as Records Management member.
c. Don Kaiser will assume new board position as Whidbey-Camano Land Trust Liaison.
G. Adjournment: 7:00 PM
H. Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 6 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Schopf, Board Secretary
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