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A meeting of Dugualla Community, Inc. Board was held at DBH clubhouse at 5:15pm on August 15, 2016.
Tom Johnson
Members not in attendance
Don Kaiser Jim Obigelo
Approval of minutes
The minutes for the July 2016 were approved on motion by John Anglin, seconded by Tracie Stringer. The motion carried.
Public comments
Tom Johnson addressed board regarding the blackberry and raccoon problem on the Taylor lot on Dugualla road. The lot is in Div. 2 between 621 & 633 & is currently on the market. Tom has been working with Realtor Linda Earnhart on this issue. The owners have given verbal permission to spray the blackberries. Tom is waiting on written permission as well. Tom has been trapping the problematic raccoons but would like more to be done. The owners have declined to have the property cleared as per the BU&R’s. They are in violation. Tom would like the board to get involved in this issue. Tracie Stringer, BU&R chair agreed. Board members, Roger Pierce and Warren Erraut disagreed.
Tracie questioned the relevance of the BU&R’s if the board is not willing to hold property owners accountable for BU&R violations. Roger Pierce continued to disagree. Roger asked board member Dave Sem to contact the realtor. Tom Johnson rescinded his offer to work on the lot due to not receiving written permission.
Unfinished business
A. Annual Meeting Catering- Teresa: Orlando’s will cater the annual meeting. Chicken, 30 brisket & 30 salmon. Teresa will also order 50 each assorted sides from Orlando’s. (cornbread, baked beans & coleslaw). Warren will pick up beverages and cookies from Costco.
B. Check-in: Dave and Warren
C. Meeting set-up: Roger & Dave
D. Ballot printing: Tracie
E. Secondproxynotice-TracietooktoJonesforSept.waterbilling
F. Speakers-Roger&Dave
1.Roger- Welcome, approve minutes, elections, water system update, new business, adjournment
2.Dave- WCLT update, financial report,budget
G. Minutes for meeting- Tracie
Committee and Officer Reports
A. Architectural Control Committee- No report
B. Building and Use Restrictions Committee- See above
C. Communication Committee/Community Meetings Committee- We need 3 new board
members. Currently 17 proxies . Tracie will make 15 copies of the Aug 2015 annual minutes for the meeting. Tracie dropped off all other annual meeting items to Jones Accounting. She will present receipts for reimbursement.
D. Facility Committee- We will need a board member who can be fully trained on this committee. John Anglin has a calendar of items that must be followed.
E. Lagoon Committee- Bayside services will clean culvert on August 1. Jim and Don will help.
F. SpecialInitiatives-Noreport
G. Treasurer's Report- No report available. Meters will resume. Sandra at King Water
cleared up the archaeology issue with the county. 35-40 meters to go.
New Business
A. Next meeting- Annual Meeting September 17, 2016 B. Issue regarding permits for metering is now resolved. C. Roger’s last board meeting.
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Public Comments
Tom Johnson asked if the generators had been tested at peak load during upkeep maintenance.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.